About Us
PLAY – Podcast Launched At Youth
PLAY – Podcast Launched At YOUth is a Cooperation for innovation focused on the improvement of the establishments of podcasts for Youth, developed in the frame of European Programme Erasmus+
The project idea of PLAY arises from the international consortium which had several experiences with organising, managing and implementing international projects, from youth exchanges to training courses and from strategic partnership projects for innovation and good practices to local events and workshops.
Thus, we feel the need to have this KA2 Innovation because with Erasmus+ the number of organisations joining the Programme is increased, but we identify problems many times with dissemination and how to reach to young people all around Europe, thus after discussions between consortium , we agreed a podcast would be a good solution for this need.
Our Goal and Vision
Provide youth workers with know-how for podcast planning and developing initiatives with youngsters and improving their dissemination and communication competencies.
Increase the understanding of youth exchanges project life cycle such as: needs analysis, objectives and activities, cooperation with partners, intercultural learning, learning assessment, results, impact, project evaluation and dissemination.
Provide introduction to the Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme, focusing on main features and priorities.
Critically reflect upon their previous international experience(s) – good and bad practices- as participants, coordinators or as partners.
Support participants in putting in practice the learnings gained, sharing information and improve NGOs communication and dissemination processes (through planning project ideas in partnership during one project session).
Experience a non-formal learning process and understand how to support young people’s learning process in the project.
Facilitate the creation of partnership for further projects among the organizations (through the positive exchange among experienced and newcomers organizations).
Strengthen participants and organizations competences and capability in youth work and international dimension and cooperation.
Enhancing Non Formal Education methods and recognition of NFE learnings (Podcast Production).
Our Idea
Our idea is to implement an innovative project that is meant for youth workers to improve their digital and project design skills through an innovative way – podcasts’ production. Currently 97% of EU young people aged 16-24 years old and 96% of young people aged 25-34 years old access the internet at least once a week, with 80% of internet users doing it to access music, videos and games. Given this ease of access and use of the internet, podcasts emerge in this project as a tool, accessible to implement and create, to provide quality information about the Erasmus+ programme in the youth sector and on project planning and management.
The podcast is an alternative form of personalized and mobile training as it can be heard on any device with internet access and at any time.
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Live Every Thursday @ 9am
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Meet The Creators

An organisation with the aim to promote lifelong learning opportunities & To be active citizens and participants in the local community & To encourage social integration and inclusion & To enhance education on sustainable development.

Our aim is to provide non-formal education tools to disadvantaged groups, such as younger people from poor areas and migrants. We are also promoting intercultural dialogue and mutual comprehension and appreciation.

Born with the aim to promote personal development, skills and competences of Youth and Adults through Non-Formal Education. Expertise on mental health, emotional management and communication.

Youthfully Yourd
The objectives of our NGO are to commune young people who live in Greece to the European community, and their interaction with youths of other countries. The mobilization and the action of young people through the issues they got involved in by going to such a program, but also the management and realization of ideas, and the willingness that whoever wants to deal with the improvement of our everyday life has.

Gamma Institute
We are an NGO whose purpose is to promote, develop, research and to initiate activities in the field of psychology, psychotherapy and mental health in particular (training for specialists, workshops, non-formal education for adults and professionals), promotion of best practices; training for specialists in various psychological and mental health branches of modern forms; facilitate collaboration between Romanian specialists and experts from the international space.

Juventude em Ação
The AN E+ JA is the mission structure that aims to ensure the management, in Portugal, of the Erasmus+ Program in the fields of youth and sport, as well as to ensure the management and execution of the activities still in force of the “Youth in Action” Program. This Agency is also responsible for managing the European Solidarity Corps Programme.
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